This is one of the newest departments at AMC. Started in September 2020, it is the first of its kind in Government Medical Colleges of Andhra Pradesh. It started with 6 beds initially and one faculty member ‐ who is the current in charge head of the department.
In the 2.5 years since its inception, the department shows tremendous growth in terms of increased outpatient visits totalling around 400‐450 per month, Inpatient cases around 250‐300 per month, and nearly 300 chemotherapies and targeted therapies being performed monthly. In Feb 2023, Hemato‐Oncology and Paediatric oncology services were also initiated, first of its kind in Govt. Medical College of Andhra Pradesh.
The department also provides Palliative care services, is acxtively involved in Clinical trials and Research as well as Cancer awareness activities with regular camps being conducted for this purpose. Working in close collaboration with the department of Radiation Oncology, departmental activity oversees 90 inpatient beds including ICU beds with 2 faculty members who are extremely hardworking and motivated to grow the department.
They dream of starting a Post graduate program as well as a bone marrow transplant unit one day