Prof Dr. E Pedaveeraraju Gold Medal

Andhra Medical College hosted 2024 Prof Dr. E Pedaveera Raju Gold Medal for Best Research Paper in investigative medicine for PGs in the departments of Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Radiology.
Prof Dr. E Pedaveera Raju former Vice Principal, Prof & HoD Gastroenterology instituted this gold medal for best Research paper in Investigative Medicine and contributing the gold medal since last 15 years. This year seven Post Graduates have presented the research papers for the gold medal. Prof Dr. Jyothi Padmaja, former Prof & HoD of Microbiology, Dr. A. Bhagya Lakshmi, former Prof & HoD Pathology and Dr. Ramakrishna, Former Prof & HoD Biochemistry were the judges for the above said event.
Dr. N. Deepthi Priya from the Department of Pathology was awarded the gold medal for her research work on Cytological Study of Lung Mass in correlation with histopathology and immuno histochemistry.
Dr. K Sunitha , PG from Department of Microbiology has been awarded the 2nd prize and
Dr. R. Krishna Manasa , PG from Dept of Biochemistry was awarded the consolation prize.
Dr. G. Butchi Raju, Principal & Addl. DME, AMC congratulated the participants. The programme was attended by Dr. V. Manmadha Rao, Vice Principal Acadamic, Dr. Radha Krishna, Deputy Superintendent, KGH and other faculty and PG Students. Dr. Soumini, Prof of OBG and Vice Chair Person, AMC Research Forum hosted the programme.

Andhra Medical College

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