Institutional Ethics Committee of Andhra Medical College

IEC-AMC was constituted   on 20/11/2019 and recognized  by DHR on 2-01-2020 . The aim of committee is to ensure proper and safe conduct of studies at Andhra medical College and associated facilities. Post Graduates/Under Graduate thesis, Post Graduates/Undergraduate paper publications, Faculty paper publications etc will be reviewed by the committee. Till date nearly 1000 + proposals were reviewed and approved.

Name of the Committee: Institutional Ethics Committee-Andhra Medical College.

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S.No Name of the Member Role in EC
1 Dr. A. Bhagya Lakshmi MD Chairperson
2 Dr. M. Usha Rani MD Member Secretary
3 Dr. V. Satya Prasad M.D Clinician
4 Dr. P.Ratna Kumari MD Basic Medical Scientist
5 Dr. P. J. Srinivasa Rao M.D Basic Medical Scientist
6 Dr. K.Srinivas MD Basic Medical Scientist
7 Dr. V. Venkata Narayana Gowtham MD Clinician
8 Mr. J. Prithvi raju B.Sc,B.L Legal Expert
9 Ms. G. Kanya Kumari  M.A,B.Ed Social Scientist
10 Mrs.K. Satya Shree MSW Social Scientist
11 Shri N. Adiyya  BSC Lay Person