Super Speciality Admissions (DM/Mch)

List of Documents for Super Speciality Admissions

He/She has to submit the following original certificates along with 3 sets of Xerox copies at the time of joining in the course and the same are kept with this College.

1. Selection Intimation

2. NEET Rank card

3. NEET Hall ticket

4. NEET Admit Card

5. MBBS Degree/Provisional Certificate

6. MD/MS Degree/Provisional Certificate

7. Internee Ship Certificate

8. SSC Pass Certificate

9. Medical Registration Certificate

10. Social Status/EWS Certificate if applicable

11. Bond for Rs.3,00,000/- with 18% of GST total Rs.3,54,000/- with Two Gazetted Officers Signatures with Office Seal and 2 Witness Signatures with ID Proof for discontinuation of course.

12. Demand Draft for Rs.23,600/- (Rupees Twenty Three Thousand Six Hundred only) towards University Tuition Fee in favor of the “REGISTRAR, DR. NTRUHS, VIJAYAWADA” payable at Vijayawada any Nationalized Bank.

13. Demand Draft for Rs.15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand only) towards College Fee in favor of “PRINCIPAL, COLLEGE DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY, AMC, VSP” payable at Visakhapatnam.

14. Rs.375/- (Three Hundred and Seventy Five Only) towards Government Tuition Fee by way of Government Challan under the Head of Account ‘0210 Medical & Public Health, 03 Medical Education, Training and Research, 105 Allopathy, 01 Tuition and Other Fees for Medical Education” at SBI. MR PETA BRANCH, VISAKHAPATNAM or Through Online Payment.