All Faculty must attend Common Teaching Program on Friday's @ 2:30 Noon
CISP - III, Regional Center for Medical Education Technology (RCMET)
Regional Center for Medical Education Technology (RCMET) of Andhra Medical College has organized workshop on 17.5.2024 and 18.5.2024 on Curriculum Implementation Support Program – III workshop (CISP) as per NMC regulations at Video Lecture Gallery, Andhra Medical College. RCMET AMC is the nodal center for several medical colleges from Rajahmundry to Srikakulam in AP, a few medical colleges from Chhattisgarh, Orissa and Kolkata. Several Senior Faculty and Principals of a few medical colleges attended the workshop.
This workshop is on curriculum implementation as proposed by the National Medical Council (NMC) which includes new guidelines about Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) and Attitude, Ethics, and Communication (AETCOM) which are part of the new medical curriculum. The Workshop also discussed the new medical education regulations which were published in first week of June.
Dr. G. Butchi Raju, Principal AMC inaugurated the two days workshop on CISP. The Workshop was organized by Dr. PJ Srinivas, Convener RCMET, AMC along with other senior faculty of AMC. Nearly 30 faculty of different medical colleges which come under Nodal Center, RCMET, AMC have participated.
MEDICAL TEACHERS (for In House Faculty) (23rd – 25th November 2021)
Dr. K. Sarada Bai Gold Medal awarded to Dr. P. Anusha PG, MS OBG in AMC
Dr. K. Sarada Bai Gold Medal for the Best Outgoing Post Graduate in Obstetrics and Gyanecology who has secured the maximum marks in Andhra Medical College at university examination is awarded on 23rd November 2021 by the Department of OBG, Andhra Medical College.
Dr. P. Anusha was awarded Dr. K. Sarada bai Gold medal for securing the highest marks in MS OBG 2021 in Andhra Medical College.
World Cancer day observed in AMC
4th of February is observed as world cancer day to increase awareness amongst the health care workers and public. World cancer day was observed in Andhra Medical College in auspices of Homi Baba Cancer Hospital and Dept of Radiation Oncology AMC, KGH. Dr. P.V. Sudhakar, Principal, Andhra Medical college inaugurated the programme and directed all the doctors to feel responsible in preventing cancer, diagnosing it early and providing adequate treatment. He stressed on palliative treatment. Mr. Umesh, CEO Homi Baba Cancer hospital, Dr. N. Sujatha, HOD Radiation Oncology and various departmental heads participated in the programme.