International Day Against Drug Abuse

Dept of Community Medicine has organized various events in Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam to commemorate the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26th June 2024. The theme for this year, “The Evidence is clear: Invest in Prevention,” was the topic for essay writing, poster making and elocution competition for the undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Principal of AMC, Dr Butchi Raju, Principal & Addl. DME presided over the session and emphasised the role of students in keeping the campus drug free and take the awareness of drug free India into the community. Dr A.Krishna Veni, Professor and HOD of Community Medicine made the students take the pledge to take the responsibility of keeping themselves away from any drug abuse and keep our state of Andhra Pradesh and achieve the goal of Drug free India (Nasha Mukth Bharat). On this occasion elecution, essay writting and poster making was conducted and approximately 300 UG and PG students participated. The certificates were distributed to the all participating students and prizes to the winners of the competitions with the support of Green Valley Foundation. All the faculty of Community Medicine department took part in actively organising these events.


Andhra Medical College

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