This department was established at King George Hospital on 02/04/1956. It is the first surgical superspecialty department of Andhra Medical College with a strength of 35 beds ‐ and is the first neurosurgical unit of Andhra Pradesh. In 1991 an exclusive “Head Injury and Intensive Care” wing was added with the help of the Visakhapatnam Port Trust. The department was shifted from the old OPD block to the current superspecialty block in 2016, accomodating bed strength of 114 beds including 24 ICU beds.

The depatment has dedicated trauma care unit‐level 2 with two trauma operation theatres and 10 trauma ICU beds in addition to a 20 bed inpatient ward. The department has recently acquired two high end operating neurosurgical microscopes.

The faculty is actively involved in reearch and boasts numerous publications in peer reviewed journals. The department has been in good contact with Dr.Jogi V Pattisapu, paediatric neurosurgeon from Florida. A TBI pilot project was started in 2016. Dr.Gangadharam Research & Academic Cell was started on October 2nd 2020. In this effort a prestigious research study into the role of Folic acid fortified salt in prevention of Neural Tube defects was done. Other projects include original research work on post covid Intracranial Mucormycosis ROCM.

Heads of Department

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 Medical School Year of Student                                         Year 4/5
Intresting Facts
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    Year established

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    PG SEATS PER YEAR (sanctioned)

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    Number of Faculty

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    Total PG degrees awarded

List of Teaching Faculty

S.No Name Designation
1 M.PremjitRay,MS,MCh Professor unitNS‐1
2 B.HayagrivaRao,MS,MCh Associate Professor unitNS‐2
3 G.RajaSekharKennedy,MS,MCh Assistant Professor unitNS‐1
4 K.SivaRamakrishna,MS,MCh Assistant Professor unitNS‐1
5 M.P.A.BabuNagendra,MS,MCh Assistant Professor unitNS‐1
6 G.P.Chakravarthy,MS,MCh Assistant Professor unitNS‐1
7 B.HarshaVardhan,MS,MCh Assistant Professor unitNS‐2
8 T.Phaneeshwar,MS,MCh Assistant Professor unitNS‐2
9 BVSRaman,MS,MCh Assistant Professor unitNS‐2