
The department started in 1954 under the able guidance of Dr. Vyaghreswarudu, who is nationally known for his work in polio. He established a strong department that has grown over the years and currently serves the greater metropolitan area of Visakhapatnnam as well as surrounding districts. The department runs several specialty clinics such as:

‐ trauma clinic

‐paediatric orthopedics

‐ orthopedic oncology



‐deformity corection

‐spine clinic

and sees over 6000 patients per month. Emergency surgical procedures perdormed through the trauma OT service exceed 600 per month. The faculty is actively involved in the teaching of undergraduate and post graduate students and there are several educational tools such a cadaver workshops a well as arthroscopy workshops held regularly.The faculty are also actively involed in research and are well published in national and international journals.

Heads of Department

More interesting Facts

 Medical School Year of Student                       Year  4 & 5
Annual undegraduate medal in honor of 
Dr. Bonthu Neelima
Intresting Facts
  • Awesome Image

    Year established

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    PG SEATS PER YEAR (sanctioned)

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    Number of Faculty

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    Total PG degrees awarded

List of Teaching Faculty

S.No. Name Designation
1 P.Sivananda,MS,FISS,(AMC1994) Professor Unit1
2 P.V.ShyamPrasad,MS Professor Unit2
3 L.Loknadh,MS Professor Unit3
4 Ch.V.MuraliKrishna,MS Professor Unit4
5 G.RajaniKumar,MS Associate Professor Unit1
6 A.AchutaRao,MD Associate Professor Unit2
7 VeeranjaneyaNaik,MS Associate Professor Unit3
8 K.SanjeevKumar,MS Assistant Professor Unit1
9 P.Pradeep,MS Assistant Professor Unit1
10 SimhachalamNaidu,MS Assistant Professor Unit1
11 HimaBindu,MS Assistant Professor Unit1
12 P.T.V.KiranKumar,MS Assistant Professor Unit2
13 S.SivaKumar,MS Assistant Professor Unit2
14 M.V.Sudhakar,MS Assistant Professor Unit2
15 D.A.V.Suresh,MS Assistant Professor Unit2
16 PraveenSivaKumar,MS Assistant Professor Unit3
17 G.Jayaram,MS Assistant Professor Unit3